Oral Presentations Guidelines
- Time reserved for the presentation: We kindly ask you to prepare presentations of a maximum of 15 minutes PER PAPER. This will give us around 15-25 minutes for Q&A and general discussion time at the session for all presentations.
- Presentation format: It is recommended that oral presentations be accompanied by PowerPoint presentations. The screen’s aspect ratio will be 16:9. Mainly supported file types are:
- Presentation: PPT, PPA, PTTA, PPTX, PDF
- Video: AVI, MPG, MKV, MOV, MP4, WMV
- Audio: WMA, MP3, WAV
- Please be present at your session 15 minutes before it begins, as this will give us a chance to have an initial interaction and check that everything is ready.
- We strongly recommend that you bring your presentation on a flash drive (USB). It is the easiest way to load the presentation on the computer that each room will have. But bring some backup solutions for your presentation (laptop, USB, pre-upload to any cloud system), so we can all enjoy your research.
If your presentation has special technical requirements, please contact the local organising committee (radioandsoundconference@gmail.com) one week before your paper presentation to ensure that you can present without any problems on the day of your session.